Infovet is a team consisting of highly experienced veterinarians and IT experts who have come together to deliver the best enterprise management and data networking solutions to the international livestock sector.
Started in the year 2002, with a modest objective of developing a simple dairy herd health and productivity management software for Indian buffalo / cow farmers, Infovet has graduated into a company that has come out with novel solutions for the livestock sector, especially from under-developed and developing countries.
Infovet has a strong institutional collaboration, especially with Bombay Veterinary College, one of the premier veterinary institutes in the world.
India Country Development Marketplace Award :
The productivity enhancement and veterinary service delivery model developed by Bombay Veterinary College that stipulated use of our software applications bagged an Award in India Country Development Marketplace Competition organized in 2004 by the World Bank, New Delhi. The project received excellent reviews from the World Bank monitoring team.
Validated under a funded project by National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development :
Under this project for one private cooperative Milk Union and one private milk collection and processing company, the dairy animal performance recording was set up at the village level which was networked to the headquarter server. This was used to improve the veterinary services provided to the farmers by generating protocol-based animal activity reports and farmers’ reports.
Recommended by the Farmers’ Commission of Government of India :
In its draft report, the Farmers’ Commission has appreciated and recommended use of the animal performance recording and the improvised service delivery system to enhance animal productivity and health.
Our Collaborators :
We believe that strong collaborations and linkages bring synergistic strength. We have fortune to collaborate and benefit from a number of our collaborators who helped us in development ventures: