We have developed software products to cater to animal activity centers, following a basic principle that the animal record should be entered once at the field level whereas the data access should be available to all the stakeholders from anywhere all the time. Another long-term objective was that at the highest administrative hierarchy province or national level animal database and animal health information system should be possible.
Herdmancom : For herd health and productivity management of organized large dairy farms maintaining cow or buffalo or both. The software is available as following modules :
Core module :
for master entries, source, suppliers, herd, lot and animal registration, ‘Animal List’ generation, data entry sheets, registers, reports, metabolic profiling and data analysis. ‘Custom Report’ is the main feature of the module which can be used for data sorting and generation of various reports.
Accounts and Inventory: This module enables maintenance of various inventories and accounts related with sales, purchases, client records and transactions.
Feed formulation and feeding: This module enables feed formulation for cow and buffalo farms and generation of feeding schedule based on predefined rates of feeding for various classes of animals.
Herdmancoop : This software is for multi-centric Milk Unions that are also providing veterinary and animal husbandry services to their farmers. Data can be captured at the field level using various options, whereas it can be warehoused at different administrative nodes and finally provincial or national animal database. Following administrative nodes software is available:
Herdman-PDA : This software is meant for pocket PC / PDA, that can be carried by the veterinarian in the field for service providing and data collection. The application also provides help line for diagnosis, drugs, toxins/poisons, disease information, etc. The data can be synced to the server using GPRS sync facility.
Herdman – veterinary : This is operable as well as warehousing software wherein the data of a number of village herd animals can be maintained and analyzed.
Herdman-server : This is the server level software for warehousing data of the ‘Milk Union’ or the ‘Enterprise’.
Herdman-WAP : This module is for animal data browsing and updating using mobile cell phone
Herdman-Touch Screen : This is useful for Milk Unions and dairy cooperatives that are interested in providing data access to the farmers. This facility can also be used for extending diverse extension information to their farmers.
BreedCon : This software application is for breed registry meant for organizations that are interested in breed conservation, breed improvement and allied activities.
Semenperfect : The software is meant for livestock semen banks to enable them e-semen banking. The software facilitates maintaining bull health and semen production records and management of semen inventory, straws in liquid nitrogen container, distribution, AI data and daughter production and health records for progeny testing.
Vet-Champ : This software is for e-management of veterinary hospitals and polyclinics. It enables individual case record management of all species of animals. The software provides easy entries, diagnostic data management and lifetime animal health records. It offers a number of features, such as, appointment sms messaging, alert messaging to clients, appointments through cell phone and animal data access to clients through sms messaging. Networking with web server is possible for interested clients.
E-livestock marketing (Pashubazar) :
An online and offline software application for franchisees who can provide marketing services to the farmers. The farmers through franchisee can market and purchase livestock, products, services, etc. This can also be used as an extension tool to deliver livestock farming related information to rural farmers.
Hardware :
MilkTrac : It is a hand-held device that can be used for field data entry and also for interfacing with milk weighing scale.
RFID : We also market RFID devices for animals. These are available in various forms, such as, plastic ear-tag embedded, injectible or in rumen bolus form. The reading and writing devices for RFID are also available for diverse client groups. These products are manufactured by our collaborator ‘Syncroft Solutions’.
Milk weighing scale : We also provide milk weighing scales for the commercial dairy farms. The scale can be interfaced with the Herdman in PC and the individual animal milk record can be sent to the animal folder.